Saturday, 1 March 2014

Dramatic Play

Knowing that the children relish dramatic play in the classroom, their interests and tangents are constant inspiration. While "Winterlude" was in full swing, the Hot Chocolate Shop was (and remains) a hit.

Two friends prepare for a day of business,
setting up their cups in the correct placement and order.

I had to work the crowd in order to get this photo opportunity.
Hot Chocolate and donuts are a "hot" commodity at this venue!
As the Hot Chocolate Shop remains popular, a new interest is emerging. I mentioned in our previous post about our fish, "Bluey", that stories of adopted dogs, sticky fur balls and wolf-pups inspired a recent transition from snow studies to animal interest. Perhaps it was also influenced by our read alouds, "Owen and Mzee", a  true story about the unlikely friendship between a 130 year old tortoise and baby hippo in Kenya, or "Little Pink Pup", a story about a piglet adopted by a dog and her litter. (Stories about animals that demonstrate kindness and caring =Valentines).
The animal interest remains strong with this group of children, and our recent "Show & Share" (which is ongoing), had the children bring in photos and stories of their beloved animals. I almost wish that we had started the year with this "unit", as the children are so keen to share. Who knew that cats love to drink from the toilet? Or that big dogs "toot" when they sit down? It is a non-stop comedic adventure! As the pictures and "tails" roll in, our bulletin board expands.

One board designated to "documenting"
the childrens' interests - their animals. 
Our morning message and letter/sound association has piqued the interest of some who are learning letters and some emergent readers (each at the perfect pace for them). When we sat down at circle with these emergent readers, "Animal School", I was so thrilled to hear them read......"I see a dog." "I see a pig."   You need to know that the ONLY thing I'd done is hand the books out! I hadn't modeled or read a word! I am so excited for the children to bring the book home to you.  

Our emergent reader, "Animal School". 
In the meantime, we also read a community workers book about veterinarians. This inspired our next dramatic play centre, and we brainstormed ideas.

Our chart stand featuring the childrens' ideas for
the development of our next dramatic play centre.

Some got eager with the creation of the sign.

I pulled some resources from the tiniest closet ever
(it sometimes reminds me of Mary Poppins' carpet bag)
We have so much play to look forward to with the development of our newest interest - the Vet Clinic. X-rays, nurses scrubs (can you believe someone actually said, "scrubs" as an item they'd like to have in the clinic?!), and stethoscopes are a big part of the dramatic play that will be popular in the class next week. You can be sure that there will be lots of opportunity for numeracy and literacy also.
Thank you for sending in photos of your pets, and inspiring our atelier.

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