A few years back, I started to get into sprouting. There are lots of health benefits to consuming sprouted greens - not that my own children were too keen on that aspect! However, the thrill of watching little seeds evolve each day was very exciting. I was inspired to bring the seeds in, and try sprouting with the JKs in the atelier.
Recording scientific observations in the atelier!
Clover seeds getting a soak!
We drained the seeds and let them sit in the sprouting jar overnight. There wasn't much change by the next day. We wondered: Maybe they needed more light? More dark? We gave the seeds a shower, but drained them well so they weren't soaking.
We covered the jar with a towel. Soon, the seeds were sprouting little white tails. We recorded our observations in our science journal page, and made predictions about what would happen next.
Some little scientists predicted that the seeds would turn into :
the sun
water bugs
Observations: I see...
Before we knew it, the seeds had developed a sprout and had tiny green parts at the end.
In fact, we could observe little green leaves emerging.
In our sun dappled atelier, observations are recorded.
The children were a little surprised to learn that the sprouts could be put into a salad, or in a sandwich or a soup garnish. We didn't actually taste test them, because there were days that the sprouts missed their "showers", and there was likely bacterial growth. But, if you're vigilant about rinsing your sprouts twice daily, they can make for a fascinating science experiment and a tasty treat!
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