This experience transferred back to the classroom, as the children created their own centre to celebrate their learning and music appreciation. We brainstormed what resources we would need to create a centre. It was determined that we needed a stage and microphones. They were off to the races!
"GOOS" paper (Good On One Side), paint brushes, primary pencils,
and laundry detergent lids were used to create microphones.
The stage was constructed using the big wooden blocks.
However, there was some disappointment that hammers and nails could not be used to make the stage more stable. The children presented me with the problem, and had a solution to suggest. Tape.
Tape proved to be somewhat successful!
Abandoned microphone on stage
Once the stage was constructed, the children were eager to prepare more for their performances. Chairs were assembled and the audience fell into place! Some members of the audience provided percussion for the performances. In some cases, catering was provided by our class "kitchen".
A friend clapping and providing percussion
Performing at the "Blues" centre
The song "Strong Mama" draws an audience
The children continue to grab microphones and perform a variety of tunes, including:
Let It Go
Rock n' Roll Snowman
There Was a Moose
Twinkle Twinkle
Old MacDonald
... and our feature "Blues" song of the week: Strong Mama .
Creativity! A bin of child created microphones.
Grab a microphone from the bin, and click on the link above to
hear Eric Litwin's song Strong Mama. Enjoy!
Thanks for dropping by the atelier.
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