Friday, 19 June 2015

Loose Parts - Third Edition

This version of "Loose Parts" was so exciting for the children.  There was an element of surprise in the novelty of having new materials to work with -- newly acquired the metal washers, and blue "gem stones". This exercise is a reminder to never underestimate the value of simple materials. The washers were picked up at the local hardware store, and they were a hit! The versatility of simple objects; in the hands of 4 and 5 year olds, is amazing!

Metal washers, plastic gems and frog counters
presented in a haphazard fashion, on the carpet.
The children spoke to what they enjoyed about the materials:
"The were smooth and sparkly."
"The washers could make towers." -- they can stack.

"These are frogs on lily pads."

"It's a tower."

"Check out my robot!"

The simple replica of an alphabet letter derailed to
create a wonderful form.

"I like dragon cages."

"Frogs at the pond."
The children loved their time exploring with seemingly, unrelated objects. "Loose parts" has helped me better understand their skills at drawing connections and making meaning. What began as a light hearted experiment, is quickly gaining momentum and establishing itself as a very valuable practise in our JK classroom. In fact, I now see the value of "loose parts" well beyond kindergarten. It is more than "play" -- innovation comes from expanding upon our schema.
Thank you for joining us at the atelier!

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