Friday, 11 March 2016

Superb Soup


There is nothing like a warm bowl of soup on a cold winter day. We had been hearing a lot about the homemade soups the children were enjoying at home, and they inspired a recent "show & share". Families were invited to send in their family recipes, with "kid print". It was a pretty open ended challenge that encouraged the children ...


To play.
To explore.
To observe.
To create.

Many took us up on the challenge, and the children proudly shared their stories and recipes. These recipes were then featured in our kitchen, and inspired the little chefs at play.

Inspired by all our talk about delicious and hearty soups, families were also invited to send in empty soup cans (clean & without sharp edges), to use at another centre.

This centre presented many opportunities for the children to be creative and write as they designed their own soup label.

The ingredient list and directions were scribed for the children. They focused on sequence and told us what they would like written down. We modeled and drew attention to how words are sounded out, how spaces are placed between words, and how different texts forms and features are organized.

The choice of soups in the kitchen keeps growing. And it's healthy!

Thank you for sending in the recipes and empty soup cans. Your support is far reaching.

Thank you for visiting our atelier.

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